- HSFSimulator 1.0 - Sand-Fluid Production Profile Simulation in Heterogeneous Reservoirs 2022-01-22
- WG_SAND 1.0 - Sanding Prediction and Sand Control Design for Water and Thermal Wells 2022-01-22
- NGHSS 1.0 - Sanding Simulation for Natural Gas Hydrate Formation 2022-01-22
- SCforNGH 1.0 -Sand Control for NGH Reservoirs 2022-01-22
- UGGS_SAND 1.0 - Sanding Simulation and Prediction for UGGS Wells 2022-01-22
- Sandcontrol Office 13.0 - Sand Control Optimization Syste 2022-01-22
- WCDOffice 1.0 - Well Cpmpletion Optimization 2014-07-10 2022-01-22
- ScreenPro 1.0 - Mechenical Screen Performence Evalua 2022-01-22
- FracPackPro 1.0 - TSO Frac-Pack Simulation and Optim 2022-01-22
- SandHD 1.0 - Sand Prediction in Heavy Oil Reserviors 2022-01-21